Alexander Ivanovich Nabokov
(1749 - 1807)

Ivan Petrovich Pushchin
(1754 - 1842)

Evdokia Ivanovna Alexeev
(? - 1803)



Ivan Alexandrovich Nabokov

Ekaterina Ivanovna Pushchin

bd. 11 Mar 1787
dd. 21 Apr 1852, St.Petersburg

General, hero of the Napoleonic wars 1812-1815, from 1849 commander of the Peter-and-Paul Fortress in St.Petersburg, Dostoevski's and Bakunin's "good jailer". Landowner:  estates Parczel-vel-Uscimow (Siedlce), Ostrow and Brzostowka (Lublin) which he passed on to his oldest son Dmitri .

SM 53

bd. 1791
dd. 1866

SM 53


Contents * Index * Surnames