»Table of Contents
Butterflies and Moths in Nabokov's Published Writings By Work and Page Part 1: 1919-1955 This index does not include the butterflies and moths in Nabokov's strictly technical papers. The arrows [»] are hyperlinks to the corresponding entry in the alphabetical sections or to the biographical page. All stories are in Part 3, under »STORIES (1995). "Dvoe" / "The Two" (poem, 1919)
This is "a 430-line riposte to Blok's most celebrated poem, 'The Twelve,'" unpublished, thanks to Brian Boyd who also translated the excerpts. "The poem is about Andrey Narsavin, a chemist and zoologist, and his young wife Irina." Stanza 2 and having defended a big dissertation on mimicry Stanza 9 the light whitens the green shade, softly illuminating the diverse collection of Lepidoptera under glass; and, bent in the circle of light, Andrey rustles with his pencil. That's the Latin description of a furry Lepidopteron he found near Pontresina, on a young aspen leaflet, in the year 'thirteen, in spring [»Callimorpha dominula] Stanza 10 I envy you, scientist: joyfully with your creative mind guessing the laws of worlds by a vein on a transparent wing. Joyful to discover the ways and structure of the smallest of creatures and to perceive their eternal meaning through comparisons. And he is inexpressibly happy who can indivisibly unite the clarity of a sage and the reverence of a priest, in whom the consciousness of artificial beauty does not stifle the thirst for truth, the knowledge of cold, pure simplicity Stanza 11 So, slowly, in soundless labor flows the blessed spell. Time to stop ... The little lepidopteron now bears a scientific name, and that little pagan mark with which an astronomer notes the star Venus ... Time – but he has to reread, to check for inaccuracies Stanza 18 a shadow stretched across the room. Only the ruby gleam of the fireplace reddened palely in the dark, like a dahlia, flew up, like the ghost of a little lepidopteron, and lit up now a light lock [of hair], now the marble of a statue between the windows, now the edge of the stucco ceiling Stanza 25 [Irina, to Andrey, as they lie dying in the snow, after fleeing from the incursion of the twelve]: perhaps your most variegated little lepidopteron has been pinned to a peaked cap
Gorniy put' (1923)
#73 I watched in wonder the day-flying moths of the steppe [»Zygaena carniolica] #100 Babochka [»Nymphalis antiopa]
Mary (1926/1970)
60 her black bow looking in flight like a huge Camberwell Beauty [»Nymphalis antiopa] 91 their letters managed to pass across the terrible Russia of that time – like a »cabbage white butterfly flying over the trenches
King, Queen, Knave (1928/1968)
44 Out of nowhere came a Red Admirable butterfly [»Vanessa atalanta] 233 "Butterflies", said Dreyer … "Who wants to catch butterflies?" remarked Martha. "Oh, it must be good sport", said Dreyer. "In fact, I think to have a passion for something is the greatest happiness on earth." 254 Sometimes the man carried a butterfly net 260 A white butterfly went by, battling the breeze [»Pierid]
The Defense (1930/1964)
66 a fat-bodied, fluffy »moth with glowing eyes 96, passim the Italian Turati who was the most awesome of the future participants in the tournament [»Driopa mnemosyne pyrenaica]
The Eye (1930/1965)
53–4 a common species of butterfly [»Heodes virgaureae]
Camera obscura (1932/1936)
78 »white butterflies were fluttering to and fro 198 »Moths fluttered round the lamps
Laughter in the Dark (1932/1938/1960)
83 »white butterflies were already fluttering about 116 A clumsy »moth flapped round a rose-shaded lamp 146 flowers and an eyed »moth 160 her hockey stick walked away like a looping caterpillar [»Geometridae] 201 the steel cells of the radiator were crammed with dead bees, and dragon-flies, and »meadow-browns [»Maniola jurtina] 206 A white »moth fluttered round the lamp
Glory (1931/1971)
9 A zebra-striped swallowtail glided past, its tail extended and joined [»Iphiclides podalirius] 21 one large »moth circled around a gas lantern 48 blue butterflies fluttered up from damp spots on the road [»Blue] 86 the entirely black butterfly that fluttered by with enviable casualness like a quiet little devil [»Minois dryas] 158 one ample dark moth with hoary margins [»Saturnia pyri] 161 lost in a marvelous world, completely indifferent toward him, in which butterflies danced
Despair (1934/1937/1965)
38 small butterflies settling on thyme [»Pseudophilotes baton] 135 a »moth-eaten astrakhan collar
Invitation to a Beheading (1935/1959)
119 [The spider] was most eager … to take a fly, or a »moth from the large fingers of Rodion 119 there hung a butterfly's orphaned hind wing, cherry-red, with a silky shading, and with blue lozenges along its crenelated edge [»Nymphalis polychloros or »Aglais urticae] 169 a small downy »moth with marbled forewings 203–4 moth [»Saturnia pyri]
The Gift (1937/1952)
24 last year's »Vanessas 24 those utterly battered Brimstones [»Gonepteryx rhamni] 24 the softest geometrid moth in the world [»Biston betularius] 60 male gypsy moths dashed about in wild zigzags [»Lymantria dispar] 78 A huge butterfly, flat in flight, bluish-black with a white band … settled on the damp earth, closed its wings and with that disappeared … four black-and-white wings with brick-colored undersides … [»Apatura iris] 80 a butterfly on a pin with only three wings and no abdomen 95 funny rhymes about butterflies and »moths 95 Your blue stripe, Catocalid, shows from under its gray lid [»Catocala fraxini] 95 A dead leaf is not hoarier than a newborn arborea … a plump reddish-gray Epicnaptera moth, with sinuate margins, of the leaf-mimicking kind … this new moth had just been described from St. Petersburg specimens by a fellow scientist … [»Phyllodesma japonica arborea] 97 Grigoriy Efimovich [»Grum-Grzhimaylo] 97 Grand Duke [»Romanoff] 97 »Avinov 97 »Verity 97 Benhaas? Banhaas? [»Bang-Haas] 98 Apollo-ideal … Niobe-grief … the russet wing and mother-of-pearl of a Niobe fritillary … the small black Apollo [»Parnassius, »Fabriciana niobe] 102 on the leather sofa in the little blue corner room where I later kept my collection of butterflies 102 Menetriés [»Ménétriès] 102 »Eversmann 102 »Kholodkovski 102 Charles Oberthur [»Oberthür] 102 Grand Duke Nikolai Mihailovich [»Romanoff] 102 »Leech 102 »Seitz 103 »Austautia simonoides n.sp., a geometrid Moth mimicking a Small Parnassius [»Parnassius phoebus] 103 »Staudinger 106 glassed drawers, full of crucified butterflies … the spell of butterflies … 106 talked of butterflies not as of something really existing 106 when I fell under the spell of butterflies 107 the first yellow butterfly [»Gonepteryx rhamni] 107 there occurred on the trunks, its feeble transparent wings pressed flat against the papery bark, our favorite rarity, a specialty of the province [»Biston betularius] 108 un papillon de toute beauté: il était bleu, vert, pourpre, doré 108 another impossibly gaudy petit-maître butterfly 108 »Fabre 108 a »cabbage butterfly crushed out of all recognition 109 where he had caught his first peacock butterfly [»Inachis io] 109 to watch the aspen Hawk Moth swing over the water [»Laothoe amurensis] 109 the black »Ringlet butterflies in our park 109 a multitude of large, banded »moths 109 the golden chrysalids of my »tortoiseshells 110 to take apart an ant-hill and find the caterpillar of a »Blue which had concluded a barbaric pact with its inhabitants [»Maculinea arion] 110 the strong caterpillar of one exotic species of Blue will not stoop to this exchange [»blue: Liphyra brassolis] 110 the odors of butterflies – musk and vanilla … the voices of butterflies 110 the monstrous caterpillar of a Malayan »Hawk Moth 110 the mouse-like squeak of our Death's Head moth [»Acherontia atropos] 110 the small resonant tympanum of certain »tiger moths 110 the cunning butterfly in the Brazilian forest which imitates the whir of a local bird [»Aellopos titan] 110 apes feeding on butterflies 110 the enormous »moth which in a state of repose assumes the image of a snake looking at you [»Attacus atlas] 110–1 a tropical geometrid colored in perfect imitation of a species of butterfly infinitely removed from it in nature's system [»Papilio laglaizei] 111 that famous African swallowtail [»Papilio dardanus] 111 myriads of white pierids [»Pieridae] 111 our thistle butterfly [»Vanessa cardui] 111 »Tutt 112 the corneal formation appearing beneath the abdomen in the impregnated females of Parnassians [»Parnassius] 112 the exceptionally rare dark-cinder gray »orpheus Godunov 112 Atlas moth [»Attacus atlas] 114 butterflies (the closest of all to him, I daresay) 115 to catch and kill a butterfly without mangling it 115 small butterflies, "tiddlers" 117 some royal relative of our Apollos [»Parnassius imperator] 118 the white, richly ocellated butterfly 118 catching »moths 119 noctuid after noctuid [»Noctuidae] 119 some new »pierid [»Pieridae] 121 Grigoriy Efimovich »Grum-Grzhimaylo 121 Potanin's subspecies of Butler's pierid [»Baltia butleri potanini] 122 Elwes' Swallowtail [»Papilio elwesi] 123 Imperatorial Apollo [»Parnassius imperator, »Parnassius] 123 Chinese rhubarb, whose roots bears an extraordinary resemblance to a caterpillar… the caterpillar of an unknown moth, which represented … a copy of that root [»Hepialus armoricanus] 124 a remarkable semi-aquatic »moth with a rudimentary system of veins 124 Roborovski's White [»Pieris deota] 129 the satyrid recently described by »Kuznetsov [»Pseudochazara euxina] 129 a fat, bald, extraordinarily jovial German professor [»Seitz] 133 merry-looking Selene Fritillaries [»Clossiana selene] 133 rather bedraggled but still powerful »Swallowtail 133 A few Black-veined Whites flew about lazily [»Aporia crataegi] 133 chocolate Aphantopus Ringlets [»Aphantopus hyperantus] 133 pale »micros rose from it 133 A blue-and-red Burnet moth [»Zygaena osterodensis] 133 a female »cabbage butterfly 133 Two violet-tinged »Coppers 133 An Amandus Blue in passing annoyed a bee [»Polyommatus icarius] 133 A dusky Freya Fritillary [»Clossiana freija] 133 A small hummingbird moth with a bumblebee's body and glasslike wings [»hummingbird moth, »Hemaris tityus, »Hemaris fuciformis] 137 a whitish »moth 137 the pink »hawks sampling our lilacs 193 "Do you want me to tell you why moths fly toward the light? No one knows that." 332 an »Angle Wing butterfly 334 A golden, stumpy little butterfly, equipped with two black commas [»*Hesperia comma] 335 especially when he glimpsed familiar butterflies 335 a lone »nymph 354 Thecla bieti [»Esakiozephyrus bieti]
"DAR II" (1939?) -- Addendum to Dar/The Gift, published in Nabokov's Butterflies (2000), translated by Dmitri Nabokov, ed. Brian Boyd & Robert Michael Pyle
199 (FB) a "Death's Head" moth [»Acherontia atropos] 200 (FB) »Hofmann 201 (FB) Gross-Schmetterlinge Europas [»Hofmann] 201 (FB) some frankly primitive »Lampert 201 (FB) that other one who was so poetically and ridiculously translated by »Kholodkovski 201 (FB) »Hofmann's or »Berge's famous atlases 201 (FB) the »Parnassius or »Plusia genus 201 (FB) an Apollo [»Parnassius] 202 (FB) various British Butterflies and Moths 202 (FB) Petersburg, Kazan, Sarepta [Eduard Aleksandrovich »Eversmann, Hugo Fyodorovich »Christoph] 203 (FB) the »Oberthür books 203 (FB) Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich [»Romanoff] 204 (FB) »Hesperidae 204 (FB) the Triphysa zemphyra Godun. and the phryne Pall. [»Triphysa phryne] 205 (FB) »Hübner 205 (FB) »Culot 205 (FB) a freshly emerged sphingid [»Sphingidae, »hawk moth] 206 (FB) »Spuler or »Rebel, who had haphazardly retouched »Hofmann 206 (FB) the very first (still bearable) issues of »Seitz's Palearctica 206 (FB) some Red Admirable or Mourning Cloak [»Vanessa atalanta, »Nymphalis antiopa] 206 (FB) how I remember the »Eversmann's Apollo napping on a flower! [»Parnassius eversmanni] 206 (FB) the splendid blue cast of the black "Cavalier" [»Swallowtail] 206 (FB) the orange wingtips, almost in keeping with fashion, of the African »pierids 206 (FB) the neat and graceful pirata [»Microzegris pyrothoe] 206 (FB) the fiery silk of Romanoff's olga [»Colias caucasica] 207 (FB) the dusky mosaic of the »Brenthis from the Gulf of Khaipudirsk 207 (FB) »Volga Blues 207 (FB) »Seitz's artificial tatterdemalions 207 (FB) the priceless, utterly frayed and faded, single specimen of »"Godunov's Erebia" 207 (FB) Father quotes from a letter sent to him by »Moltrecht 207 (FB) the Sooty Swallowtail (Avinov's lucifer) [»Iphiclides podalirius] 207 (FB) a Paphia with a continuous pearlescent smear [»Argynnis paphia] 207 (FB) Orlov's strain of Limenitis [»Limenitis populi] 207 (FB) the lacework of Suvarov's Melanargia [»Melanargia russiae] 207 (FB) Charles »Oberthür 207 (FB) wrote »Rowland-Brown in The Entomologist 207 (FB) the wings of the iridescent »Apaturas 207 (FB) certain black satyrids [»Satyrinae] 207 (FB) the already mentioned delicate Steppe Aurora [»Microzegris pyrothoe] 208 (FB) »Chapman 208 (FB) the Terzit caterpillar [»Polyommatus thersites] 208 (FB) "Icarus" [»Polyommatus icarus] 208 (FB) Escher's Blue [»Polyommatus escheri] 209 (FB) the genus »Syrichtus 209 (FB) that German muddler who recklessly let loose with names [Otto »Staudinger] 210 (FB) the genus »Lycaena 210 (FB) Meleager's Blue [»Polyommatus daphnis] 210 (FB) a few other engrossed Blues and a handful of golden adonis [»Polyommatus bellargus] 211 (FB) Black-veined Whites [»Aporia crataegi] 211 (FB) my Meleager [»Polyommatus daphnis] 211 (FB) »Lycaena 211 (FB) the salt-marsh »Plusia rosanovi 211 (FB) a new species of »Acidalia 211 (FB) a stunning blue-black »Arctia 212 (FB) a »Tephroclystia 212 (FB) "Once in Uganda where I was collecting for »Rothschild" 212 (FB) "Und war es schön in Moulinet, Hans …?" [Hans »Fruhstorfer] 212 (FB) "Moi, qui a chassé le »Callimuchus dobrugensis avec le roi de Bulgarie …" [Prince Aristide »Caradja] 212 (FB) "Come, come, von »Nolte…" 212 (FB) "… il existe entre celle de la rave et celle de Mann une espèce méditerranéenne …" [»Pieris pseudorapae, Roger »Verity] 212 (FB) "Here, Walsingham…" [Lord »Walsingham] 212 (FB) "Now, Professor …" [Mariano de la Paz »Graëlls] 212 (FB) "… the first isabella (sitting on a stump, green with russet eyespots)" [»Graëllsia isabellae] 218 (FB) a solid-black hospiton [»Papilio hospiton] 218 (FB) a pathological specimen of avis [»Callophrys avis] 219 (FB) one afflicted by idiocy will never create a Galatea [»Melanargia galathea] 220 (FB) the Stagirite, although he could distinguish between a "cabbage butterfly" and a moth that flew flamewards [»Cabbage White] 220 (FB) the chrysalis of the Plum Thecla was already made up to resemble bird droppings [»Satyrium pruni] 222 (FB) the caterpillar of the quite local Siberian Owlet moth (»Pseudodemas tschumarae) 225 (FB) the leaf could turn into a »Kallima 227 (FB) an inchworm moth [»Geometridae] 230 (FB) numerous species (»Erebia, »Lycaena, etc.) 230 (FB) the genus »Libythea 230 (FB) such genera as »Melitea or »Syrichtus 231 (FB) the Asiatic genus »Eurythemia 232 (FB) the comparatively young genus »Pyrameis with its central species indica
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight (1938/1941)
8 a lamp with a pale »moth whirling around it 37 an impossible butterfly on its cover 41 dying out to join side whiskers and the Large Copper [»Thersamolycaena dispar] 95 narrowing in its creeping grasp the bag of the net where the butterflies were flapping 137 a Camberwell Beauty skims past [»Nymphalis antiopa] 173 sluggish fancies which crawl and then unfurl eyed wings 186 moved like a procession of caterpillars [»Thaumetopoea]
The Enchanter (1939/1986)
79 "… sit for a while on the moss among the mushrooms and the butterflies …"
Gogol (1944)
152 It is like a rare »moth that departs from a moth-like appearance to mimic … some popular butterfly
Bend Sinister (1947)
134 clinging with all its six fluffy feet to the ball of your thumb, the tip of its mouse-grey body slightly excurved, its short, red, blue-ocellated inferior wings oddly protruding … [»Smerinthus ocellatus] 156 Same Painted Ladies fanning their wings on the same thistleheads [»Vanessa cardui] 181 A beautiful plate … showed an ocellated »hawk moth and its shagreen caterpillar [»Smerinthus ocellatus] 227 a »morpho-blue sky 240–1 a big moth was clinging with furry feet to the netting … marbled wings … its eyes glowed … streamlined brownish-pink body and a twinned spot of colour … A good night for mothing [»Smerinthus ocellatus]
Speak, Memory (1951/1967)
12 a »Hawk Moth rarely met with so far west 12 my father had netted a Peacock butterfly [»Inachis io] 17 [drawing of »Driopa mnemosyne] 22 the spatial world, which not only man but apes and butterflies can perceive 41 ("path of the Sphingids") because of the »Hawk Moths visiting at dusk the fluffy lilacs 41 my butterfly net propped against the enclosure 44 a tiny looper caterpillar would be there, too [»Geometridae] 52 Vasiliy Mihaylovich »Golovnin 52 from where a butterfly, »Parnassius phoebus golovinus rating a big sic) has been described by Dr. »Holland 62 freshly emerged »Orange-tips settled on the shivering dandelions 75 my green butterfly net 75 my father would piously pause to recall the rare butterfly … its four cherry-red wings with a pavonian eyespot on each [»Inachis io] 80 several spiny caterpillars were feeding on nettle leaves 87 a nephew of hers at my age (four) used to breed caterpillars 92 the drawing of butterfly genitalia during my seven years at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology 106 a Comma butterfly settled on the threshold [»Polygonia c-album] 111 the first Brimstone flies over the Palace Arch [»Gonepteryx rhamni] 120 my first thought was for the butterflies [the sun] would engender 120 a rare visitor, a splendid, pale-yellow creature with black blotches, blue crenels, and a cinnebar eyespot above each chrome-rimmed black tail… my »Swallowtail 121 I found a spectacular »moth 121 mounting a freshly emerged Emperor moth [»Saturnia pavonia] 122 Maria Sibylla »Merian 122 »Boisduval 122 »Newman 122 »Hofmann 122 Grand Duke Nikolay Mihailovich [»Romanoff] 122 »Scudder 122 Richard »South 122 the »Swallowtail of June, 1906 122 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries [»Clossiana selene] 123 »Hofmann 123 »Seitz 123 Dr.»Staudinger 124 Staudingerian [»Staudinger] 124 imitation of oozing poison by bubblelike macules on the wing [»Cerura vinula, »Brassolini, »Portschinsky] 124 an acrobatic caterpillar (of the Lobster Moth) … a writhing larva and … a big ant seemingly harrowing it [»Stauropus fagi] 125 a certain moth resembles a certain wasp [»clearwing moth] 125 When a butterfly has to look like a leaf, … markings mimicking grub-bored holes are thrown in [»anglewing] 126 In Jackson Hole and in the Grand Canyon, on the mountain slopes above Telluride, Colo., and on a celebrated pine barren near Albany, N.Y., dwell … the butterflies I have described as new [Jackson Hole: »Plebejus idas longinus; Grand Canyon: »Cyllopsis pertepida dorothea; Telluride: »Plebejus idas sublivens; Albany: »Plebejus samuelis] 126 Nabokov's Pug [»Eupithecia nabokovi] 126 Nova Zemblan river a century and a half ago … [»Golovnin] 127 Large White [»Cabbage White, »Pieris brassicae] 127 »Staudinger 127 an aberration resembling the Canarian race of the species [»Pieris cheiranthi] 128 a banal »Urania moth 128 some common »Tortoiseshell butterflies 128 Small White [»Pieris rapae] 128 Bunin's impeccable evocation of what is certainly a »Tortoiseshell 129 Le phalène doré … Orange moth [»Angerona prunaria] 129 du grand Sylvain [»Limenitis populi] 130 do not chase butterflies, child 131 the queerer he looks with a butterfly net in his hand 131 Very fresh, very dark Arran Browns [»Erebia ligea] 132 a diminutive Ringlet called Hero [»Coenonympha hero] 132 that rust-colored Oak Eggar [»Lasiocampa quercus] 132 part of a Large Emerald [»Geometra papilionaria] 132 The tremendous larva of the Goat Moth [»Cossus cossus] 132 a dark aberration of Sievers' Carmelite [»Odontosia sieversii] 132 a bright yellow Silvius Skipper [»Carterocephalus silvicolus] 132 two male Coppers [»Lycaena phlaeas] 132 an uncommon »Hairstreak … the white W on its chocolate-brown underside 133 great blue-black nymphalids striped with pure white [»Apatura iris] 133 Poplar Admirable … Bucovinian subspecies [»Limenitis populi var. bucovinensis] 133 »Hofmann 133 »Kuznetsov 133 bucovinensis »Hormuzaki [»Limenitis populi var. bucovinensis] 133 Poplar Nymph [»Limenitis populi] 133–4 a "new" moth … I took a beautiful Plusia (now Phytometra) [»Autographa bractea] 134 Plusia excelsa Kretschmar… [»Autographa excelsa] I got even with the first discoverer of my moth… [»Kretschmar] 134 Richard »South 134 the »Hawk Moths, the jets of my boyhood! 134 the vibrational halo around the streamlined body of an olive and pink »Hummingbird moth poised in the air above the corolla into which it had dipped its long tongue [also »Deilephila elpenor] 136 fields, with a continuous shimmer of butterfly wings over a shimmer of flowers 136 Pugs [»Eupithecia] 136 Eupithecia petropolinata [»Eupithecia nabokovi] 137 on my butterfly hunts I always preferred hiking 137 to drop in, as it were, on a familiar butterfly in his particular habitat 138 a dense crowd of small, bright blue male butterflies [»Lycaenidae] 138 a dusky little Fritillary bearing the name of a Norse goddess [»Clossiana freija] 138 Pretty Cordigera, a gemlike moth [»Anarta cordigera] 138 rose-margined Sulphurs [»Colias interior] 138 gray-marbled Satyrs [»Satyrinae] 147 rich-hued Oak Eggars [»Lasiocampa quercus] 147 the Speckled Woods haunted not woods, but hedges [»Pararge aegeria] 147 Cleopatra, a tropical-looking, lemon-and-orange Brimstone [»Gonepteryx cleopatra] 147 a stray Clouded Yellow [»Colias crocea] 148 that "butterfly" in the Basque language is misericoleta 151 while I stuffed a folding butterfly net into a brown-paper bag 156 two freshly emerged specimens of the Amur Hawk Moth [»Laothoe amurensis] 176 "Did V. get any 'Egerias' this summer?" [»Pararge aegeria] 176 "all I see in the prison yard are Brimstones [»Gonepteryx rhamni] and »Cabbage Whites" 196 after four or five hours of butterfly hunting 196 the discreet, pleasantly cool, rhythmically undulating caress of a caterpillar 196 he knew their uniforms as well as I did different butterflies 205 Marat had been an ardent lepidopterist 205 Gruber's famous butterfly shop [»Fruhstorfer] 205 Chapman's new Hairstreak [»Callophrys avis] 205 Mann's recently rediscovered White [»Pieris mannii] 208 Butterfly hunting and various sports took care of the sunny hours 210 collecting some so-called Parnassians [»Driopa mnemosyne] 212 Nibble, nibble, nibble – went a handsome striped caterpillar, not figured in »Spuler 218 the flash of a Queen of Spain settling on the road [»Issoria lathonia] 222 the stick of my butterfly net, in metronomic motion, drawing arc after arc 225 the ovipositor of an ichneumon fly straddling a cabbage caterpillar 231 Velvet-black Camberwell Beauties with creamy borders [»Nymphalis antiopa] 239 a Camberwell Beauty [»Nymphalis antiopa] 247 the Euxine race of the Hippolyte Grayling [»Pseudochazara euxina] 251 like bewildered butterflies set loose in an alien zone 253 I searched in vain for Gruner's Orange-tip [»Anthocharis gruneri], Heldreich's Sulphur [»Colias aurorina heldreichi], Krueper's White [»Pieris krueperi] 257 Red Indians, Red Admirables [»Vanessa atalanta] 274 Plebejus (Lysandra) cormion … Plebejus (Lysandra) coridon Poda … Plebejus (Meleageria) daphnis Schiffermüller [»Lysandra cormion, »Polyommatus coridon] 278 La Bruyère's gentleman who sheds tears over a parasitized caterpillar, Gay's "philosophers more grave than wise" who, if you please, "hunt science down in butterflies", and … Pope's "curious Germans", who "hold so rare" those "insects fair" 281 in the spring of 1929, you and I went butterfly hunting in the Pyrenees 303 Only the squirrels and certain caterpillars kept their coats on 305 You have often accused me of unnecessary callousness in my matter-of-fact entomological investigations 305 a live butterfly [tied] to a thread … Red Admirable (Admiral, in vulgar parlance) [»Vanessa atalanta]
Lolita (1955 – Annotated edition, 1991)
12 »Vanessa van Ness 16 nymphic … nymphet [»nymph] 31 Percy »Elphinstone 46 »Pisky 56 Miss »Phalen 110 some gaudy »moth or butterfly 112 Lepingville ['leping' is a slangy insiders' expression for butterfly collecting] 126 hundreds of powdered bugs wheeling around the lamps in the soggy black night [»miller] 141 Lepingville 156 yucca blossoms, so pure, so waxy, but lousy with creeping white flies [»Tegeticula yuccasella] 157 hundreds of gray hummingbirds in the dusk [»hummingbird moth] 189 Avis Chapman [»Callophrys avis] 209 »Edusa Gold 222 »Elphinstone 227 our own Dream Blue »Melmoth 231 »Electra Gold 234 butterfly 241 millions of so-called "»millers" 258 under the sign of the »Tigermoth 259 like a Goddamn »mulberry moth 262 Inchkeith Ave. 301 Schmetterling (German for 'butterfly') 316 on which I caught the first known female of Lycaeides sublivens [»Plebejus idas sublivens] 326 "Genus »Lycaeides Scudder: The Orange-Margined Blues" 327 he confuses the »Hawk Moths visiting flowers with 'gray hummingbirds' 381 powdered bugs … noctuids … »'millers' [»Noctuidae] 416–417 »Melmoth … Mellonella Moth … Meal Moth 448–449 Schmetterling (German for 'butterfly') 455 Lycaeides sublivens Nabokov [»Plebejus idas sublivens]